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Copay Accumulators Episodes

Oct. 17, 2023

Copay Accumulator Victory

George Huntley, CEO of the Diabetes Leadership Council, explains a major victory for patients in a court case regarding Copay Accumulator practices; Cigna has agreed to pay $172 million dollars after allegations the submitted false diagnostic codes to...
May 4, 2023

What’s Happening in the States

Keyla Caba (MA-03), a member of Patients Rising Now and a patient living with Crohn’s Disease, testifies before the Massachusetts State Legislature about Copay Accumulator Programs and high deductibles; Rich Pezzillo, Executive Director of the New...
May 2, 2023

Copay Accumulators - A Detailed Report & RI Fighting Back

Dr. Robert Popovian, Chief Science Policy Officer at the Global Healthy Living Foundation, co-authors a comprehensive report for the Pioneer Institute on the impacts of PBMs and Copay Accumulator programs; the Senate HELP Committee hosts a markup on...
April 27, 2023

Liver Disease Patients at ICER, Healthcare Congressional Focus

Donna Cryer, CEO of the Global Liver Institute, previews liver disease patient advocates’ testimonies ahead of an ICER meeting on two new treatments; the House Health, Employment, Labor and Pensions Subcommittee holds a hearing titled Reducing...
April 25, 2023

PBM Lawsuit; How QALYs Discriminate

A new book from Dr. Bill Smith of the Pioneer Institute outlines how quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) discriminate against patients and threaten rare disease innovation; Antonio Ciaccia breaks down Ohio’s lawsuit against PBMs and the issue of...
April 20, 2023

Alzheimer’s Treatments Restricted, Expanding Primary Care

The House Energy and Commerce Health Subcommittee considers extending several bills, including those that would bolster primary care services; Sue Peschin, the President of the Alliance for Aging Research, examines how CMS has been using Coverage with...
Guest: Sue Peschin
April 18, 2023

Medicare Part B Meeting, 340B Implications

MedPAC, a group advising Congress on Medicare issues, held a vote on 3 recommendations to reduce prices for accelerated approval drugs covered under Medicare Part B; David Balat, Healthcare Policy Director for the Texas Public Policy Foundation, says...
Guest: David Balat