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Drug Shortages Episodes

July 27, 2023

Biosimilars Reshape the Market

Avalere releases a study focused on ICER assessments and whether or not they take into account the patient experience when creating their reports; Wayne Winegarden, a Senior Fellow with the Pacific Research Institute explains how new Humira...
July 18, 2023

340B Fallout + Cancer Drug Shortages

Bill Smith, Senior Fellow at the Pioneer Institute, explains a ruling from the Supreme Court regarding the 340B program; Patients Rising Now’s briefing on Accelerated Approval will be held Monday, July 24th; Ted Okon, Executive Director of the...
June 29, 2023

Drug Supply Shortage Emergency + PASTEUR Act

Dr. Marion Mass, a pediatrician, has seen up close and personal what supply chain shortages can do; a news article from says that the proportion of oral cancer drugs that needed prior authorization increased from 53 percent to 96 percent between 2010...
June 1, 2023

UHC Prior Authorization Changes

Dr. Bruce Hennessy, a gastroenterologist with the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, discusses UnitedHealthcare’s decision to require new prior authorization for 61 procedures, including colonoscopies. The Medicaid work requirement...