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Prior Authorization Episodes

July 25, 2023

Prior Authorization Consequences + Fast-Tracked FDA Approvals

MacKay Jimeson, Acting Executive Director of Patients Rising Now, wants lawmakers to stand behind the accelerated approval program; Jody Quinn, a patient from Massachusetts’ 13th congressional district who lives with psoriatic disease, says ...
June 29, 2023

Drug Supply Shortage Emergency + PASTEUR Act

Dr. Marion Mass, a pediatrician, has seen up close and personal what supply chain shortages can do; a news article from says that the proportion of oral cancer drugs that needed prior authorization increased from 53 percent to 96 percent between 2010...
June 1, 2023

UHC Prior Authorization Changes

Dr. Bruce Hennessy, a gastroenterologist with the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy, discusses UnitedHealthcare’s decision to require new prior authorization for 61 procedures, including colonoscopies. The Medicaid work requirement...
April 13, 2023

Alternative Funding Vendors: A New Middleman

Kelly Maynard, President of the Little Hercules Foundation, discusses the growing trend of alternative funding vendors and how their practices are leaving patients to foot the bill; Dr. Mark Lopatin, a rheumatologist, underscores the burdens of prior...